Five Kingdom Classification

Five Kingdom Classification : Five Kingdom Classification was proposed in 1969, by Robert Harding Whittaker (R. H. Whittakar) {December 27, 1920 – October 20, 1980}.
He was a distinguished American plant ecologist.

The "criteria" used by R. H. Whittakar in the classification of organism into five kingdoms are :
-- its complexity of cell structure
-- complexity of body of organism
-- mode of nutrition
-- life style and
-- phylogenetic relationship.

The Five Kingdoms of organism are :

1. Monera Kingdom Classification : Monera kingdom includes all prokaryotic organism like bacteria, cynobacteria and archiobactera. Filamentous bacteria also come under this kingdom. All organism of this kingdom are microscopic.
Monera Kingdom Examples : Bacteria, Cyanobacteria etc.

2. Protista Kingdom Classification : Protista kingdom includes unicellular from usually found in aquatic habitats. On the basis of mode of nutrition they are autotrophic, parasitic, and saprophytic. Diatoms flagellates and protozoa come under this kingdom. Egulena have both heterotrophic and autotrophic mode of nutrition. So, it is placed between plant and animal.
Protista Kingdom Examples : Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Plasmodium etc.

3. Fungi Kingdom Classification : Fungi kingdom includes non-green plants. It has saprophytic nutrition and growing on dead and decaying organic matter. The cell wall is composed of chitin.
Fungi Kingdom Example : Yeasts, Molds, Mushroom etc.

4. Planatae Kingdom Classification : Planatae kingdom includes all plants except some fungi, diatoms, algae and member of monera and Protista.
Planatae Kingdom Examples : Oak, Cactus etc.

5. Animalia Kingdom Classification : Mostly all remaining animal comes under this kingdom except protozoan.
Animalia Kingdom Examples : Horse, Tiger, Kangaroo etc.

Five Kingdom Classification by R.H. Whittaker
Five Kingdom Classification by R.H. Whittaker

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