Natural Levees

Natural Levees : When a river is over flooded, its water crosses its banks. At that time, the speed of the water is reduced, and the pebbles and stones carried by the river get deposited near the banks.

Natural Levee
On account of frequent floods, the area where these sediments are deposited near the bank of the river rises higher than the flood plain.

This high wall is called a natural levee or natural embankment. Such levees are found on the banks of the Mississippi, the Huang - ho etc., Southern bank of river Ganga (India).

Meaning of Certain Terms : Colonialism, Imperialism and Capitalism

Colonialism : Colony means the country or territory settled by migrants from another country. Thus, the policy of having colonies and keeping them dependant is called Colonialism.
Imperialism : The policy of extending a state's rule over other territories, and of incorporating such colonized into an empire is called Imperialism.
Capitalism : Economic system in which a country's trade and industry are organized and controlled by the owners of capital, the chief elements being competition, profit, supply and demand.

Abbreviations associated with Computer

»» MAN : Metropolitan Area Network

»» CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access

»» FORTRAN : Formula Translation

»» UPS : Uninterpretable Power Supply

»» DTP : Desk-Top Publishing

Uninterpretable Power Supply - (UPS)

Superlatives : World

»» Tallest Animal on land : Giraffe

»» Largest Bird : Ostrich

»» Highest City : Wen Chuan (Tibet) 16,732 ft

»» Smallest Continent : Australia

»» Longest Epic : The Mahabharata

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